There are several ways to avoid getting seasick and to treat it so you don’t have to stay onshore. Plan ahead and you can have a safe and fun boating experience, too.
First, learn the ways to prevent seasickness. Get plenty of sleep, avoid alcohol, and eat before you go. While there is a lot of speculation about what to eat, there’s no medical evidence to show that certain foods cause or prevent seasickness. The most important thing is that you eat well and don’t head out to sea on an empty stomach.
Second, know your limits. Getting seasick can be harsher on some boaters than on others. If you’re extra sensitive, avoid reading or facing backwards on the boat.
Third, pack remedies. Ginger is an excellent natural remedy. Drinking ginger ale can calm your stomach, or find ginger chews at a grocery store and pop one in your mouth if you start to feel queasy. Dramamine® is known to be commonly used for seasickness and is available as a patch that can be placed behind your ear or chewable tablet. We also know some boaters to have also tried acupressure wristbands with success.
Fourth, when you show signs of seasickness, don’t ignore them! Forget about feeling embarrassed around your friends or family. It’s much better to deal with it right away than to wait for it to pass. And chances are you’re not the only one suffering. It affects people of all ages and genders.
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